
These are the current retail dealers for Ocean Arsenal products as of today.
JPR Custom Rods, Morton PA. LOTS of OA stuff and they will ship from the webstore at
Kelly's Outdoors, Rt. 24 Millsboro DE, Wreck Bombs, Squid Things, Diamond Minnows
The Lead Pot Bait and Tackle, Hwy 113, Dagsboro, Delaware (Webstore),: 1.7oz Surf Bullets, 1oz Shiners, Sand Eels, They have LOTS more OA products in the shop than are listed on his webstore.
All Tackle, Rt. 50 Ocean City, MD Squid Things, Wreck Bombs, Peanut Pogies, Sand Eels.
Lewes Ice House Bait and Tackle, 18388 Coastal Hwy, Lewes, DE, If we make it, he has it!
Breakwater Bait and Tackle, Cape Henlopen State Park Pier: Diamond Minnow Rigs, 1oz Shiners, Silversides, Torpedo Herring, custom lead heads.
Lewes Harbour Marina Fishing and Boating Outfitters, 217 Anglers Rd, Lewes, DE: All products. If we make it, they have it!
353 Custom Tackle, 9935 Stephen Decatur Hwy, Ocean City Maryland. Squid Things.
Dan's Tackle Box, 25772 Deep Branch Rd, Milton, DE 19968 (Rt 1 South): Good selection of OA items.
Hook ‘em and Cook ‘em in the marina at Indian River Inlet State Park Delaware. Squid Things, Wreck Bombs and Sand Eels, silversides, surf bullets, diamond minnow rigs.
Rick’s Bait and Tackle, Long Neck Rd., Millsboro DE. Wreck Bombs, Sand Eels, Shiners, Torpedo Herring, Diamond Minnow Rigs, Squid Things.
A Bit More Than Tackle, Hwy 113, Laurel DE. Surf and Inshore. Siversides, Torpedo Herring, Surf Bullets, Sand Eels, Diamond Minnows. (Store is relocating, temp closed winter 2023)
The Bait Shack, Long Neck Rd, Millsboro, DE. Right side a bit before Massey's Landing. Sand Eels, Diamond Minnow Rigs, convenient pre-tied tandem rigs to use with Gulp.